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What Are The Benefits of Ketogenic Dieting?
If you are a member of Health Kik stop reading right now, go straight to the member's area and read the guide I wrote on ketogenic...

Kris Gethin's 4 Keto Breakfast Options!
Starting your day with the correct breakfast is essential, it provides your body with everything it needs, and it also gets your mind-set...

5 Foods Kris Gethin Thinks You Need!
From experience, I have discovered some foods are amazing for helping me augment health, improving things like digestion, detoxification...

Who Should NOT Use Controlled Fasting?
There are a wide variety of benefits to using controlled fasting, the simple act of avoiding food intake between set hours while sticking...

How Often Should You Have a Cheat Meal?
The DMs on my Instagram are full of questions about cheat meals. People want to know how often they should have a cheat meal without...

Use Controlled Fasting The Correct Way
Controlled fasting is something I have really enjoyed myself in recent years as a means of augmenting gut health, autophagy and fat loss....

Traveling Should Not Kill Your Results!
Whenever somebody tells me they have a busy schedule and therefore cannot progress, I call bulls***. Every year I board 100s of flights,...

What Makes Food "Health" And "Nutritious?"
Terms such as "healthy" and "clean" are used by people, including myself, to describe the quality of food. The question a lot of people...

This Confuses Alot Of People...
There are so many dieting systems out there which profess to be the best way to burn fat, this creates polarization and people attaching...

Does Strength Really Matter?
People who aspire to build muscle and burn fat often get distracted by their ego, chasing big lifts. The issue with making your training...
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