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Kris Gethin's Ultimate Guide to Shoulder Training!
Some muscle groups respond better to different types of training stimulus, shoulders are a great example of this. While I will still...

Destroy Plateaus With These 5 Training Hacks!
Whenever you are faced with a plateau just remember one thing, it is happening for a reason. Usually, people lean towards genetics as...

Squat Or Leg Press: Which Wins?
Squats and leg press are probably the two best mass builders for legs, perhaps we can add hack squats in there as well. The main reasons...

Boosting Your "TDEE" In 4 Easy Steps!
Total daily calorie expenditure often referred to as your "TDEE" is made up of tasks such as walking to the car, taking out the trash,...

Kris Gethin's Guide To Lifting Weights Without a Gym Membership!
Some Health Kik members don't have a gym membership, they have limited equipment which they use at home. This means I am always asked by...

Kris Gethin’s Posterior Chain Workout!
Too many people suffer with lower back, shoulder and even knee injuries because they have a very weak posterior chain. Although you might...

Kris Gethin’s Top 3 Exercises For Anterior Deltoid Growth!
The anterior deltoids sit at the front of your shoulder and can add a great deal of fullness to this muscle group. It is also where you...

Does Your 1 Rep Max Really Matter?
Let me cut straight to the heart of this point, 1 rep maxes aren't a very efficient way of building muscle volume for the majority of...

Coaching With Kris Gethin: How Does It Work?
After intense demand for years, my VIP online coaching program launched in the Fall of 2019 - as expected, it has been extremely well...

The Reality Check You Need To Finish 2019 Strong!
We are very good at bulls***ting ourselves when it comes to justifying inaction. There are so many reasons and excuses why things haven't...

Kris Gethin's Ultimate Tricep Training Guide!
If you want big arms then maximizing your tricep training should be a priority because they account for 66% of your arm size - they can...

The Ultimate Solution To Skinny Calves!
Do you remember my story about nearly killing my cousin when training legs together? Although this next story didn't happen together, it...

Dealing With Extremely Stubborn Belly Fat
Stubborn belly fat, the thing which stands between you having shredded or blurry abs - how do you get rid of it? This is a question I get...

4 Ways To Quickly Make Chest Gains!
If you are reading this then the chances are you're struggling to achieve the chest gains you crave, following the 4 steps below you can...

Kris Gethin's 3 Essential Tips For Better Ab Training!
From experience, I can tell you that the majority of people do not train their abdominal muscles correctly. Common mistakes include using...

Part 1: How I Dropped 10lbs in 10 Days...
If you are following my 6 Month Comeback Documentary on Health Kik you will know I peaked at a lean 224.8lbs and decided to cut my weight...

Can You Really Build Muscle & Burn Fat Simultaneously?
The short answer to this question is YES, I have done it for years and millions of people who have followed my content have done the...

Are You Using High Repetition Training Correctly?
High repetition training is something I personally started using many years ago, even to this day so many people do not understand it's...

3 Ways To Boost That Mind-To-Muscle Connection!
Let me quickly reiterate what the "mind-to-muscle connection" actually is, then I will follow up with three actionable hacks to improve...

Build Size The Lean, Smart Way!
If you are following my 6 Month Comeback Documentary on Health Kik you will know I am growing very fast - within a matter of weeks I...

Which Training Split Gets The Best Results?
This is a question I get a lot, "which training split is the best to follow, Kris?" There are many ways you can structure your training,...

The Crazy Leg Workout Which Nearly Killed My Cousin!
Back in 2012 when I was living in India my cousin, Adam, came out for 4 months to train a Bollywood actor for a movie role (I was there...
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